
smn Investment Services GmbH

A-1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstrasse 16-18
T: +43 1 513 25 51
F: +43 1 513 79 41

Managing Directors:
Christian Mayer
Michael Neubauer
Joseph Waldstein

Shareholders holding more than 25% of shares of smn Investment Services GmbH: Christian Mayer Privatstiftung (private foundation), Michael Neubauer Privatstiftung (private foundation)

Registered Office: Vienna
Company Register: Commercial Court Vienna, FN 142115v
Supervisory Authority: Financial Market Authority of Austria (FMA), Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) according to the Alternative Investment Fund Manager law of Austria (AIFMG), available via

Member of the Federal Chamber of Commerce, Vienna:
UID-No.: ATU40143705 f
EORI No.: ATEOS1000014617

Business objective of smn Investment Services GmbH
Investment management (portfolio management and risk management) and marketing of Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). Individual portfolio management, advisory as well as reception and transmission of orders in relation to one or more financial instruments.

We wish to point out that smn Investment Services GmbH is not authorized to accept clients’ monies or for safekeeping cash or other financial assets.

Orientation of the content of this website
• Introduction of smn Investment Services GmbH
• Information about our products including their actual performance and investment strategy
• Information about Alternative Investments, especially about Managed Futures and Systematic Equity Strategies

Complaints Management
smn Investment Services GmbH has established effective and transparent procedures for the appropriate and prompt handling of complaints from (potential) clients.
A (potential) client has the following options to submit a complaint to smn Investment Services GmbH free of charge:

  • by mail to smn Investment Services GmbH , Rotenturmstraße 16-18, 1010 Vienna, Austria
  • by e-mail to
  • by telephone on +43 1 513 25 51
  • by personal discussion with a member of the management or with the complainant.

Every complaint submitted by a (potential) customer will be responded to promptly by smn Investment Services GmbH and efforts will be made to ensure that the individual complaint is dealt with appropriately.

If no satisfactory solution can be reached for the complainant through the channels described above, the complainant may also contact the Ombudsman’s Office (“Ombudsstelle”) for customers in the financial services industry (, established by the Association of Financial Service Providers of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO).

In addition, the complainant may turn to an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body (“Stelle zur alternativen Streitbeilegung”); information can be obtained from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. Finally, depending on the nature of the complaint, the customer may also file a civil suit.

Legal Disclaimer
This website serves informational purposes only and shall not be interpreted as investment-, legal- or tax advice. Prospective investors are strongly recommended to seek professional advice prior to making any investment decision.

smn Investment Services GmbH is constantly checking and updating this website. In spite of reasonable care the data could have changed in the meantime. smn does not warrant or guarantee that the information provided by this website is accurate, up-to-date and complete and does not take any liability. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlinks: smn Investment Services GmbH is not liable for the content of such websites. smn Investment Services GmbH reserves the right to change or amend the information provided at any time.

The content and design of smn Investment Services GmbH's website are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property. Any reproduction of information and data (especially using text (in whole or partially) and pictures) requires a written confirmation by smn Investment Services GmbH prior its usage. The investment products mentioned in this webpage have no admission to be marketed to the public in Germany and Switzerland.

FMA - commercially available fees
The Austrian Financial Market Authority publishes the commercially available fees on their website: Commercially available fees

Privacy Policy
Please see the menu data protection for our privacy statement under: